113 degrees in L.A. after the summer that wasn’t

Beverly Hills BMW

After a summer of record low temperatures (because the marine layer hung over us and didn’t burn off?), I swam a grand total of three times, when I normally swim three times each week from April through September.

Summer’s over and it’s officially fall, but now we find ourselves in the middle of a heatwave. Today – September 27th – the National Weather Service recorded the hottest day ever in downtown L.A. [since they began keeping records of our temps in 1877]. It was 113 degrees at 12:15 p.m.

According to the L.A. Times:

The heat was produced by a muscular ridge of high pressure that anchored itself over Southern California. Those conditions combined with weak offshore winds that grew hotter as they pushed from the desert toward the coast.

“Five days ago, we saw some of the lowest daytime temperatures we’ve seen in 50 years. And today was a once-in-a-century day,” said Bill Patzert, a climatologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

It’s the desert kind of HOT.  Five days ago I was taking hot baths, today I felt as if I were living in Phoenix, Arizona.

Driving in the San Fernando valley at 3pm today my car registered the temp at  123 degrees. I have NEVER seen the numbers go above 115!

I swam three times the past three days, will I be taking hot baths next weekend?

Are these weather extremes part of global warming?

Griffith Park

About dearrosie

We think we need so much, when all we really need is time to breathe. Come walk with me, put one foot in front of the other, and get to know yourself. Please click the link to my blog - below - and leave me a comment. I love visitors.
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6 Responses to 113 degrees in L.A. after the summer that wasn’t

  1. Corilee says:

    Better late than never? The weather has been so wacky….

  2. here in atlanta, until Sunday we hadn’t had rain in a MONTH — and it’s still boiling hot. i miss fall… wish i were up north!

  3. Nancy Real says:

    Rosie, your blog is fantastic. Thanks for sharing your concerns of the world with all of us. I’m just as concerned about all these issues (gay rights, the environment, world poverty, etc.) as you are.

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