
A few months ago my blogging buddy, Georgette, at Georgette Sullins’s Blog tagged me with a blogging challenge, which came with a set of rules

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you.
3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

Yours truly in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. March 2013.

Yours truly in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. March 2013. (photo credit Mr F.)

I don’t think anyone is interested to know

  • my favorite meal of the day
  • or which State I’d like to visit

though I hope you share my enthusiasm that New Zealand and France have both recently legalized gay marriage (while the United States Supreme Court is still dithering!)

Anyway as it’s my derriere that sits in the editor’s chair over here at Wondering Rose, this is one place I don’t have to follow any rules, I’m  free to interpret the challenge any way I like.

Firstly, I always see the number 11:11 on digital clocks.

I hear your “What’s the big deal? In a twenty-four hour clock numbers will come round twice each day!” True, but when you see the same time consistently you begin to wonder what it means, and you’d also ask, Why don’t I see 12:12 or 3:33 or 5:55?

An internet-search led me to:

a site called Maya 2012,  with an explanation that I’m not alone,

there’s a global phenomenon perplexing people of all ages who see 11:11 on a daily basis.

It’s not as though you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.

11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening,

“as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys.”

driving to work at Ventura and Beverly Glen

At the corner of Ventura and Beverly Glen in L.A.

It took a long time to wake me up and get my attention. I’m now ready to receive my truth.

I wonder how many of you also see repetitive numbers?


she loved her wallet

For the second part of this challenge:

eleven observations from my Museum cash register 

with my sincere thanks to the hundreds of people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting each day for the past twelve years



1  Photo I.D’s

Very few people look like the person in their driver’s license photo,  a negligible number of women have the same hair style or hair color,  and sometimes you can see the same smile, or freckles (though it could be their sibling).

* * * *  *

2. “Tax en plus Monsieur!”

Foreign tourists always think I’m stealing and get angry when I include tax in the total.  “Why are you asking $3 when the price says $2.75?” they demand.

In the United States and Canada tax is added at the end, everywhere else in the world it’s included in the price.

* * * *  *

3. Where do you keep your money?

Don’t assume folks keep their bills neatly folded in their wallets like the woman above.  You’d be amazed how many women simply chuck their money into their purses, and tell me “I know it’s in there… Somewhere…!”

Most children visiting the museum with a school group pay with wads of crumpled, wet, sticky money. Yuk!

* * * *  *


Asia and Dani are from Los Angeles

4. Fashion:

Can you explain why someone would walk around with this written on his tee-shirt?

My parents said I could be
so I became an asshole

* * * *  *

5. Culture:

Man to a teenage boy as they walked into the gallery:

“You’re gonna go in there and get some culture! God dammit!”

Vermeer's girl reading a letter

Vermeer’s “Woman reading a letter” 1662 (on loan from the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam)

6. “Are these paintings real?

I’ve been asked that more than once. I’d love to say the originals are in my house and the Museum hangs up fakes.

* * * *  *

The screaming Scream

The Screaming Scream


People forget the cashier is human:

“Oh god this thing would drive me nuts if I had it in my home,” said the middle-aged-woman to her friend.

And she pressed the “Screaming Scream” three times.

I agree with her. I think it sounds like a dentist’s drill.

Thankfully her friend didn’t need to  press it too.


8. Questions:

“Do you work here? Can I ask you a question? a little old lady asked me, “Last time I was in Jerusalem I went on a walking tour and we saw two cemeteries. Could you explain the difference to me?”

* * * *  *

9.  Plastic bags

A man from San Francisco told me this story: “I was in Hermes recently. The woman in the line ahead of me spent about $10,000 on her purchases, but refused to pay the extra ten cents for a plastic bag!”

* * * *  *

10  I met these girls at my cash register this year

  • A three-year-old called “Tiger Lilly”
  • a twelve-year old called “Genesis”
  • an eleven-year old called “Malaya”
  • a teenager called Carnina.
    “It was supposed to be Carina but my mother made a spelling mistake when she filled out the form.”

* * * *  *

11.  Food.

A woman from Wisconsin told me: “If you buy cheese curds from Wisconsin they must be squeaky or they aren’t fresh. And you must eat them warm.”


* * * *  *

According to the rules I must now tag someone.

By a lovely coincidence, FrizzText’s A-Z challenge this week is “tagged R“.  “R” is for me Rosie.

Image 6

in my happy place

With thanks to Georgette.

About dearrosie

We think we need so much, when all we really need is time to breathe. Come walk with me, put one foot in front of the other, and get to know yourself. Please click the link to my blog - below - and leave me a comment. I love visitors.
This entry was posted in Museum Musings, Photography, Tutto va bene, Wondering and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

66 Responses to 11:11

  1. shoreacres says:

    I love the little old lady’s question about the two cemeteries. And I’m quite astonished at those “Scream” …. “things”. I wonder what the artist would think about those?

    Speaking of artists and “is that painting real?”, I know someone locally who recently found two Amado Peña pieces in a local thrift store. You never know. 😉

    • dearrosie says:

      The little old lady’s question is marvelous. She most probably went on a tour but couldn’t hear or understand what the tour guide was saying.

      If you ever come across “the Scream”, press the button and then try to imagine what it’s like to have to listen to it being pressed all day every day.

      I think if Munch knew someone had made that stupid thing he’d throw a fit.
      What would Rembrandt/Leonardo/van Gogh etc do if they knew we’d made fridge magnets out of their paintings? Ouch!

      Yes the Vermeer painting is real – although my photo taken without a flash doesn’t do it justice. To promote the re-opening of the Rijks Museum after a ten year renovation, our museum was given the privilege of hosting the lovely woman in blue for six weeks earlier this year.

      I think the Antique Roadshow on PBS is such a popular show because people hope they’re going to discover that the old thing in their house is extremely valuable.

    • dearrosie says:

      I don’t know Amado Peña and had to look him up.
      in case others reading this don’t know him, this quote is from his website

      “he’s an Artisan of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona.”
      “His art celebrates the strength of a people who meet the harsh realities of life in an uncompromising land and his work is a tribute to the Native Americans who survive by living in harmony with an adversarial, untamed environment./i>

  2. What crazy experiences you have at your cash register, Rosie! I laughed out loud at this one:

    6. “Are these paintings real?“ I’ve been asked that more than once. I’d love to say the originals are in my house and the Museum hangs up fakes.

    You’re hilarious!

    I love the whole thing about seeing 11:11 daily on your digital clock. I’m sure its rightly said that you’re on a spiritual journey; after all you did the Camino!

    And I love the ladies pushing the Scream button three times, swearing they’d never want it in their house, yet they have no problem subjecting you to it! Congratulations on being tagged, and yes, “R” is for Rosie! Hurray! 🙂

    • dearrosie says:

      I don’t understand why people ask us whether the paintings are real. Can you explain it? When you go to a museum you expect to see the original, don’t you?

      I understand that I had to wait so long to walk the Camino because I wasn’t ready -I’m definitely on my spiritual journey now.
      When I started seeing 11:11 it was long before the internet made asking questions so easy…

      Thank you for joining the conversation Cathy, and for your cheers for Rosie! I know many people judge a post from the first sentence and I wondered how many people would stay away after reading the beginning of this post…

  3. Lynn says:

    Fabulous post Rosie to send me off to work with! So love and miss you! Keep writing to keep me smiling 🙂

    • dearrosie says:

      What wonderful feedback. How very nice to know my post gave you a good start to the day. I thank you for writing to tell me.
      So can you tell the little old lady the difference between the two cemeteries?

  4. dadirri7 says:

    such a fun post rosie … i am one of the 11:11 people … have been seeing it for years with that same sense of awe tingling quietly in the background 🙂 your stories form the museum are hilarious … but i would be very tempted to remove the batteries from the scream things … and imagine asking if the paintings are real … you could say ‘no we keep them all in a vault and show you the copies’ which of course does happen in some places … and no, i could not tell the little old lady the difference between the two cemeteries but no doubt someone could if they asked their favourite search engine! PS love seeing you in the desert 🙂

    • dearrosie says:

      Yaay Christine, I’m so glad to meet another 11:11 person. So you also know the weird feeling when you realize your head has once more been turned to the clock because its 11:11. I’m sorry you live so far away because I’d like to go on the 11:11 journey with you but thanks to blogging we can.

      I don’t know how to remove the batteries – but I have moved the darn thing to the back of the shelf. The worst offenders are little boys. Once they discover they can make a noise they never just press it once, and their parents don’t tell them to stop. Grrrr….

      I’m glad to hear you liked the picture of me in the desert. The rain has been scant the past few years so as you can see there weren’t many flowers.

      Thank you for joining the conversation.

  5. Exceptional post … I was fascinated all through.

    • dearrosie says:

      I’m delighted to receive your lovely comment. Thank you Isadora. Its never boring at my cash register. There are days when no one speaks English.

  6. frizztext says:

    hi Rosie,
    of course “R” is for Rosie.
    And because I saw your blue shoes:

    • dearrosie says:

      Such a treat to see Elvis in action.
      Though I’ve shared photos of my hiking boots before this is the first time they’ve been given a gift of music and what an honor that it would be Elvis’s blue suede shoes. You’re so thoughtful. Thank you so much FrizzT. 😀

  7. Love it. I got intrigued with 11:11. At one point in our lives, we need to wake up spiritually and the sooner it happens, the more time for us to make a difference for ourselves and others. I trully enjoyed every bit of about yourself that you shared in this post.

    • dearrosie says:

      When you say “you were intrigued with 11:11” do you mean that you were interested to read what I’d written, or have you heard about people seeing the number 11:11?

      I’m really happy to know you enjoyed reading my post IT. I hope it helps you with your awakening. 😀

  8. Val says:

    So much of your post made me laugh that I don’t know which part to comment on – apart from saying that if it were me there instead of you, I’d get myself earplugs (for The Scream thingy) and I’d wear a Tshirt that says “I’m deaf but can lip read”. That’d sort ’em!! 😉

    • dearrosie says:

      Hi Val,
      So nice to know you had a good laugh while reading my post. I can just imagine what the museum manager would do if she found us wearing earplugs and tee-shirts with messages. I cannot imagine why people would buy the Scream – but they do. When I put it in the bag I wonder how long it’ll take before they’re screaming too…

  9. Val says:

    PS. I see 22:22 on digital clocks. Often.

  10. Love your 11:11. It’s very personal to you and shares even more bits of info. I saw Vermeer’s Woman Reading a Letter when it along with 30+ others were displayed at the Washington Gallery of Art. Nov – Feb 96 and also, at the Rijks in ’90. It seems always in the middle of the night I wake up to see 3:33…I wonder what that means, besides I can’t get a full night’s rest…yes, I do go back to sleep, though. fyi I wear brown Ariats trekking around at the farm…your blue ones are distinctive. Thank you for picking up the 11:11 challenge…you really gave it a personal twist, your rules and all. I know you put a lot of work into this post, and what a treat of smile after smile. “Are those paintings real. No, I hang the real ones at my house and these are fake.” LOL too funny! I think, folks are just incredulous that they are really in the presence of great, wonderful pieces.

    • dearrosie says:

      Muchas gracias for nudging me into sharing the 11:11 story amiga. I’m happy to know you liked my post Georgette. It did take a lot of time to pull it together – it wasn’t easy choosing 11 observations about the museum as I have 100’s of things I could share.

      You’ve also traveled a lot and seen so much. I didn’t get to the Vermeer exhibition at the National Gallery – it must’ve been a thrilling experience to see so many of his paintings grouped together.

      When Mr F and I were in Amsterdam in the 1970’s I don’t remember whether we went to the Rijks Museum … That’s another place I need to visit.

      3:33 eh? But only in the middle of the night, not in the afternoon? I’ll let you know if I find out what it means.

  11. adinparadise says:

    A very interesting and varied post, Rosie. I’ve never heard of the 11:11 thing before, but was just reading about it on this site. http://www.greatdreams.com/11coin.htm So interesting. I had to laugh about the money. My sister is one of those people who keeps her money in a dozen different places in her handbag. It’s a mystery to me why she can’t just put it in her purse. 😕 I would so be that woman in Hermes. I think it’s such a cheek to charge for a bag in which to put your purchases. If it’s something to do with recycling, they should have recycled paper carriers.

    • dearrosie says:

      I don’t know why Hermes didn’t offer the woman a recycled paper carrier. I’ve seen people in IKEA struggling to carry their purchases because they refuse to pay the five cents.

      Many thanks for the link Sylvia. Interesting that you were just reading about it…
      Aqua Glory posted in April 1996
      11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers. They are people who signed up for a “green beret” type of mission when they were on the spirit plane i.e to hold as much Light as possible on this planet. This twenty year period (starting on January 11, 1991) will see matter holding more light than it has ever held before. The vibration on this planet has dropped to a very, very low frequency. That is why it is so difficult to remember our origin, remember that we are all connected, remember who we really are. This is often referred to as the Fall. This mission is very important and very difficult.

      Solara wrote in December 1996:
      “Next time you see 11:11, stop and feel the subtle energies around you. The 11:11 is a wake up call you sent to yourself. A reminder of your true purpose on Earth. Usually during times of heightened energy or accelerated personal change, you will notice 11:11 more frequently. It is a powerful confirmation that you are on the right track.
      He gave out this website: http://www.nvisible.com

      • adinparadise says:

        I’ll look out for it. 🙂

      • dearrosie says:

        I wrote in a hurry and didn’t explain myself properly. The two quotes are from your link . The link I added is to his website – I was interested to see this:
        “Some people are grieving or feel Null Zoned that our journey through the 11:11 Doorway is over.”

  12. aFrankAngle says:

    With your sense of humor and joy for life, your posts are always good reads.

  13. Love the Vermeer, love your purple boots, love your crazy customers (but perhaps not in person), but” love did fail” when I contemplated how much I can’t stand being tagged — which is kinda funny because I always like reading people’s blogs when they’re answering questions! Lovely post, Rosie!

    • dearrosie says:

      I love that you loved so much of the post Betty. What do you do when you’re tagged?

      I’ve walked so many miles in my purple boots that they’re now a faded dusty relative of their former glorious selves – which leaves me feeling good.

  14. nrhatch says:

    You are so funny! Thanks for sharing these observations with us, Rosie. A great reminder that they . . . are . . . out . . . there! 😯

    And I see 11:11 on a regular basis too. And rarely notice 2:22 or 3:33 or 4:44 or 5:55.

    • dearrosie says:

      Hey Nancy I’m thrilled and delighted to know you’re also one of the 11:11 people. Have you ever wondered what it meant? I can tell from the books you’re reading that you’re also on a spiritual quest.

      Thanks for your great comment. Its good to know you found my post amusing.

      • nrhatch says:

        I read through all the various interpretations on your link . . . but can’t say for sure WHEN I started noticing 11:11 . . . for example, whether it was before or after I started noticing other synchronicities in my life.

        Whenever BFF and I see it, we always take note: “Hey, it’s 11:11.” Then we watch until it becomes 11:12. Maybe now I’ll pay more attention to what we are doing WHEN we notice it. 😀

        Thanks for a FUN post.

      • dearrosie says:

        Hi Nancy.
        Is BFF your spouse?
        Mr F and I see 11:11 very often at bedtime and we also say hey “it’s 11:11”.
        You think we need to notice what we’re doing when we see it?
        When I saw it on the Spanish bus going to Finisterre [i.e where the Camino ends in the ocean] I photographed it “D

      • nrhatch says:

        Yup. BFF and I got married 29 years ago . . . and he’s still my BEST FRIEND. 😀

        One of the interpretations on the site you linked to said:

        11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment. You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.


      • dearrosie says:

        Really lovely to hear that after 29 years BFF is still your best friend. Congratulations 😀

        Thank you for sharing the quote.
        Even the rays of sunshine coming through the window….
        Isn’t it interesting that though I read it I didn’t pay attention to it… I must’ve been thinking of something else and skimmed right past it.

        I recall that my recent sightings have been at bedtime when I’m walking into the bedroom … and that time on the bus in Spain. I’ll be interested to hear if your 11:11 sightings are connected to a certain tune or mood…

  15. sybil says:

    I think including the tax in posted prices makes great sense. Those visitors would freak here in Nova Scotia where our tax is 15% !!!

    Haven’t noticed the 11:11.
    Does that mean I’m gonna miss the mothership when it comes ?

    • dearrosie says:

      Hi Sybil,
      It always seems like I’m getting a bargain when I shop in Europe – when shoes for fifty euros don’t end up costing seventy-five euros…
      Sheesh 15% sales tax is very high but you get so much more from your government than we do.

      You won’t miss the “mothership” because you’re one of those awake and aware people..

  16. Amy says:

    Enjoy reading it, Rose! Love it.

  17. lexiesnana says:

    I laughed so hard about the poor girl that her mom spelled her name wrong. This whole post was just lovely.

  18. This was a delightful read, Rosie. I’m just chuckling at the variety of unusual observations! I am completely interested in your 11:11 observation. I don’t have any similar awareness, but I’m so glad you’ve pursued questioning what this means to you. All of the observations from the museum are hilarious to me. People are so funny. I hope I don’t provide this much amusement to someone behind the counter in my daily life. 🙂 I love your new banner photo, Rosie.

    • dearrosie says:

      Delighted to know you enjoyed the read Debra. It is enormously pleasing to know my writing amuses so many people.
      No doubt I give people behind their cash registers many chuckles too…

      You’re the first person to comment on my banner photo. Did you notice that I changed my theme too? Thanks to you 😀 If I can find a suitable narrow photo I change the banner photo with almost every post. This one works really well.

  19. Dee Ready says:

    Dear Rosie, I so enjoyed your making the rules your own! Much more interesting to learn about what people say to you and what they ask you. We are all so wonderfully strange deep down! True mysteries of surprise and joy and sometimes pain and sorrow.

    I’m glad one of your readers left the video of Elvis and his “Blue Suede Shoes” singing. I was in high school and college when Elvis first captured attention. All of us who were young thought him quite wonderful, but our parents thought he heralded the downfall of society! And, oh, I so like those bobby socks he wore–we all did then. Peace.

    • dearrosie says:

      Glad you enjoyed my interpretation of the challenge. We have to follow rules everywhere else but we’re our own “boss” at our blogs…. That’s one of the pleasures of being a blogger.

      My sister is a few years older than me and she was an Elvis fan and as we shared a room I became an Elvis fan… so it was a great honor to be given the video of him singing to my hiking boots.

      Though we are all strange, we are also so similar. I’m sure I must also ask ridiculous questions at cash registers! Last time I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York I was meeting a friend and needed to leave the museum but it’s so huge I couldn’t find the exit. I wandered down long passages and kept telling myself there has to be stairs or an elevator or something that said EXIT … In the end I had to ask someone in one of the little Satellite stores for help heh heh I wonder what I said to her? 😀

  20. Madhu says:

    He he he, have no doubt Munch would scream louder 😆 Still chuckling at your hilarious museum encounters Rosie. Every single one of them. This post deserves to be freshly pressed 🙂

    • dearrosie says:

      It pleases me enormously to know you I was able to entertain you with my observations from my cash register Madhu. I’ve never been FP and your comment “this post deserves to be freshly pressed” gives me even more pleasure than being “one of the chosen”, because it’s sincerely coming from another blogger. I thank you.

    • dearrosie says:

      Thank you Madhu. It really means a lot to me.

  21. bronxboy55 says:

    Rosie, how do you remember what people said? Do you write them down as soon as they walk away? These museum encounters are my favorite posts. You should compile them into a book.

    I see 11:11 almost every day. Also 10:10.

    • dearrosie says:

      I don’t feel so lonely knowing you also see 11:11. Have you also wondered what it meant?

      On busy days I do have to write down what people say or I’ll forget it.

      You’ve mentioned it before and I respect your opinion to put these museum encounters into a book. Thank you Charles. I’m going to start working on it. Any advice before I start?

      • bronxboy55 says:

        My only advice would be to continue to avoid commentary. The way you present the visitors and what they say is perfect. I like that you respect your readers’ intelligence by not explaining what’s unusual or amusing about them.

      • dearrosie says:

        oh gosh that’s great feedback. Thank you so much Charles.

  22. wightrabbit says:

    Brilliant response to the challenge, Rosie, I love learning more about my blogging companions and your posts are always a delight 🙂 I read this a couple of days ago and later Martin and I chose to visit an area of the Island which we’ve not explored before, to take the dog for a walk. As we were driving along, I remembered your explanation of the 11.11 phenomenon, thinking that I haven’t really noticed it and wondering if this means that I’m not spiritually awakening…if not, then what am I here for ….and so on. Just musing and allowing my mind to wander.
    Then, as we parked up I glanced at the car clock and guess what? It was displaying 11.11!!!

    • dearrosie says:

      What a lovely comment Jacqueline – sorry it took me so long to reply.
      I know that feeling when you glance over at the clock and see 11:11… Have you seen it again?

  23. Robin says:

    Wonderful post, Rosie. You gave me more than a few chuckles and smiles, which are lovely things to have while I sit here listening to the movers pack some of my worldly goods. Love the question about the two cemeteries. It reminds me of the old “What’s the difference between a duck?” question. (The answer, by the way, is “One of its legs are both the same.”)

    • dearrosie says:

      Apologies for taking so long to reply Robin. You’ve already moved to the east coast by now. I’m going to pop over to your blog as soon as I write this.

      I didn’t know the answer to the duck question. heh heh

      I felt so sorry for the poor woman who didn’t know the difference between the two cemeteries. She had to wait who knows how long to find someone who was “friendly” to ask her question because the person leading the tour in Israel didn’t explain the difference to her. What does that say about tour guides?

  24. munchow says:

    I realize now (that you are not posting anything new) that I haven’t commented this great post. I think It’s truly amazing what you encounter at the counter. My two favourites are the one on culture and the one about the question. And I am sure you could reveal something much worse. Thank you for sharing. I hope you are having a good time!

    • dearrosie says:

      Thank you dear friend Otto. I really appreciate that you took the time to leave me such a nice a comment.
      I have so many museum stories I still haven’t shared…
      I haven’t started having the good time yet. Still catching up on the comments.

      Remember the night blooming cereus and I invited you to come watch it flower? It bloomed on Saturday night. We went out…

I'd be delighted if you left me a comment